Hi, everybody. am new to this forum, i need someone to help me out please.
few months ago i mistakenly dropped my iPhone 6S into water but. i actually got it fixed but later discovered that my Touch ID stopped working.
fews weeks later i also noticed that the screen display show vertical lines, and the the screen refused to unlock again.
i tried all i could but the screen couldn’t unlock. so i got tired and dropped the phone for 2weeks.
again i powered it on and behold its started working again.
it worked for a month and now i can’t use it again.
this time around it kept restarting itself, and finally the vertical lines shows and screen won’t unlock.
****my question is what do i do?
and i was told if i try restoring the phone back to factory setting, i will get stocked due to bad touch iD.
“error 53″ might likely show up and meaning i won’t be able to use the iPhone again.