The iPhone 5c was dropped and screen was unresponsive (could see it light up when power button was pressed, and phone was receiving text messages….Siri would read them). Attempts to swap out the screen (by a guy at the mall) didn’t work, and I opened the phone myself last night and reconnected the existing screen. Now when the phone is powered up, there are some vertical lines running from top to bottom. There were also some boxes last night…but those are now gone.
Is this some sort of hardware problem? If it is, we’re not going to see anything from Apple..both because we dropped the phone and because I bought it used. If we are out of luck, is there any way to access the information in the phone (which was my daughter’s, and never backed up anywhere). I don’t suppose this is as easy as pulling a hard drive from a computer…no way to move the storage to another 5c, is there?